Sandalwood (Santalum album) Absolute

  • Sandalwood (Santalum album) Absolute

Sandalwood (Santalum album) Absolute


100% pure and natural Sandalwood Absolute (Santalum album) is a bit thicker and darker than the essential oil. It is a rare find and is valued in perfumery as one of the finest absolute fixatives. A rich and complex aroma. Bold and milky wood notes make this a must have for luxury fragrances and perfumes. Excellent tenacity. Blends well with florals, spice oils, wood oils and more. Use for its fixative qualities and to build interesting and unique wood accords for fine fragrance creations.

Botanical Latin Name: Santalum album
Aroma: Rich complex buttery bold creamy milky wood
Origin: India
Cultivation: Sustainable
Part: Heartwood only
Method of Extraction: Absolute

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